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    Let's dig into the science. How does Southwest Soil Solutions actually turn struggling fields into thriving ones? The answer lies in changing the biological composition of the soil. When certain bacteria are missing or inactive from soil, its ability to take in water is reduced and nutrients become bound up. As time goes on, fertilizer requirements increase and the overall health of the soil decreases.

    Dying Grass.png
    Bactifeed Grass Image.png

    Cue Southwest Soil Solutions. We carefully select bacteria from highly fertile soils that are of the best quality. These bacteria produce maximum enzymes, adapt to a variety of different soil conditions, and have the ability to fix both atmospheric and synthetic nitrogen. These organisms are then custom fermented under aseptic conditions to provide a pure culture.  We combine that culture with other soil amendments, and voilà, you have our dry powder blend.

    When this mixture is added to water to brew and then applied to the soil, indigenous bacteria multiply and grow rapidly.  As the biological health of the soil improves, minerals become more available to the grass and uptake and nitrogen utilization are increased significantly. Volatilization is greatly reduced and the leaching (run off and seepage into water table) is almost eliminated.

    Long story short, we use some pretty cool microbiology to make our product effective.


    Here's a video of a smart guy explaining it all. He's a real scientist and knows his stuff!


    Image by Kshithij Chandrashekar

    Farmers most commonly apply our dry powder into a nurse tank that continually drips into a pivot.

    Dry powder can also be applied into a nurse tank that is injected into a pond system or applied through a spray rig.


    © 2022 Southwest Soil Solutions

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